CFO opens grantmaking program for COVID-19 response


The Community Foundation of the Ozarks is now accepting applications for the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund Grant Program. This assistance is targeted for nonprofits serving vulnerable citizens affected by the coronavirus outbreak across the CFO’s 58-county service region of central and southern Missouri. The CFO serves communities within the state of Missouri south of the Missouri River and outside the metro areas of St. Louis, Kansas City and Jefferson City. 

Agencies may apply for up to $25,000 in funding. Agency partnerships working in a collective impact model of at least three collaborating organizations may apply for up to $40,000. Lead applicant agencies must be nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations, government entities, school districts or tax-exempt faith-based organizations.

Agencies and agency partnerships able to provide a plan for generating matching dollars as a component of their application will receive preference in the grantmaking process. Matching dollars do not have to be raised in advance as long as a well-formed plan is established to acquire those matching funds. 


Agencies can begin the application process at For questions regarding the application or the online system, contact Bridget Dierks, Vice President of Programs, at (417) 864-6199.

This grant program will remain open as long as funding is available throughout the COVID-19 recovery process. Applications will be reviewed by a committee comprised of community volunteers and CFO staff representatives.

Agencies selected for grants will need to affirm that they do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or veteran status either in employment practices or in policies and procedures concerning access to services.

The CFO’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund is funded through an initial $1 million commitment by the CFO, Missouri Foundation for Health and the Louis L. and Julia Dorothy Coover Charitable Foundation managed by Commerce Trust Company. The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund continues to accept donations from the general public at Checks can be sent to: Community Foundation of the Ozarks, P.O. Box 8960, Springfield, MO, 65801. Please note “COVID-19” on the check.

Updates to the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund will be shared

The Community Foundation of the Ozarks is a regional public charitable foundation established in 1973 that provides asset and resource development, grantmaking and public leadership through a network of donors, 49 affiliate foundations and more than 600 nonprofit partners across central and southern Missouri.
