Leggett & Platt Restructuring Plan Includes Elimination of 1,000 Jobs, Includes Plant Closures


CARTHAGE, Mo. — Leggett & Platt will eliminate 900 to 1,000 jobs and close a number of facilities as part of a restructuring plan approved January 11 by company officials.

The proposed actions were included in a filing today with the Securities and Exchange Commission:

On January 11, 2024, the Board approved, and the Company committed to a restructuring plan primarily associated with our Bedding Products segment, and to a lesser extent our Furniture, Flooring & Textile (“FF&T”) Products segment (the “Restructuring Plan”).


In response to evolving markets, the Company anticipates taking actions pursuant to the Restructuring Plan to improve manufacturing and distribution efficiency, advance its product strategy, and further support customer needs. The Restructuring Plan is designed to create a portfolio of products and an operating footprint aligned with the markets we serve. 

The bedding market has experienced unprecedented change in recent years and the competitive landscape has continued to evolve. Optimizing our manufacturing and distribution footprint should reduce complexity, improve overall efficiency and align capacity with anticipated future market demand. These actions are expected to allow us to further integrate our specialty foam and innerspring capabilities, while maintaining our service and quality levels.

We plan to consolidate between 15 and 20 of 50 production and distribution facilities in the Bedding Products segment. Also, in our FF&T Products segment, we plan to consolidate a small number of production facilities in our Home Furniture and Flooring Products business units. 

The production in the affected facilities is expected to be consolidated into other facilities, or in a few cases, eliminated. Also, we expect to reduce workforce levels over time by 900 to 1,100.

In total, the initiatives across the segments are expected to reduce annual sales by approximately $100 million. Additionally, we anticipate receiving between $60 and $80 million in pre-tax net cash proceeds from the sale of real estate associated with the Restructuring Plan. These transactions are expected to be largely complete by the end of 2025.

In aggregate, we expect to incur restructuring and restructuring-related costs between $65 and $85 million, of which approximately half are anticipated to be incurred in 2024 and the remainder in 2025. This includes $30 to $40 million in cash costs, the majority of which are anticipated to be incurred in 2024. In the first half of 2024, we anticipate $20 to $25 million of restructuring and restructuring-related costs (approximately half in cash costs). The Company anticipates that the Restructuring Plan will be substantially complete by the end of 2025.

The SEC filing did not include any reference to any specific plants that would be closed.

Originally appeared on The Turner Report

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