Candidates sought for Jasper County Extension Council


Nominations are being accepted for the January 2020 public election of Jasper County’s University of Missouri Extension Council, according to Council Chairman Peter Carter.

Candidate recommendations may be made by contacting the Jasper County Extension Center, 417-358-2158 prior to November 29.  Nominees will then be contacted to secure their permission before being placed on the ballot.

Jasper County’s council election will be held the third week of January.  The election is being held in accordance with state law (Chapter 262.550-262.620 R.S. Mo. 1969).


“In Jasper County, we are seeking people from all walks of life who are interested in education and the progress of our community to serve on the extension council,” said Carter.  “In order to have an active council in place we need good candidates to run.”

Every county in Missouri has an extension council made up of elected (and appointed) members who represent the broad educational needs and backgrounds of people in that county.  Council candidates must be at least 18 years old and reside in Jasper County.  The Jasper County extension council meets on the first Tuesday of each month.

Missouri state statutes create county extension councils to work with University of Missouri Extension.  The publicly elected (and appointed) council members assist in planning and carrying out extension programs in their county, providing local extension governance and representing the diversity of the county’s changing population.

University of Missouri Extension offers educational programs addressing high-priority areas like agriculture, horticulture, nutrition, family financial education, business and industry, community development and youth development (4-H).

A brochure about county elections, as well as information about Jasper County University of Missouri Extension, can be found online at or by calling or visiting the extension center, Courthouse Basement, Carthage, MO 64836.
