Betty White tribute relieves Carthage shelter’s desperate needs


Betty White was known as a national treasure, and her legacy continues to touch lives – including here in Carthage, Missouri.

Donations made in her honor – after her passing Dec. 31, 2021 at the age of 99 – will be accepted through the rest of this month at the Carthage Humane Society. Her love for animals was well understood and shared, especially by the local shelter’s president of the board, Renay Minshew – who also serves as a volunteer director.

“What a tribute to [Betty White] – It’s wonderful,” Minshew said. “I’m sure she’s smiling down from Heaven about people doing this. Unfortunately, the need is never-ending at our shelter. We couldn’t survive without our donors, and we’re very grateful to those who give in our community. It’s touched my heart to see the way they’ve stepped up at the Woodshed.”


When Stephanie Shelton-Martini saw the opportunity, she said there was no hesitation from her boss, Cherry Babcock at the Woodshed on the Square, to jump onboard and collect funds at the local business spot.

“It just seemed like the thing to do,” Martini said. “We love Betty White and we love animals – it was a great way to help support our very own Carthage Humane Society.”

At capacity with 65 dogs and 25 cats, the shelter always appreciates any of the following items:

  • Paper towels
  • Pet food (dog, cat, puppy and kitten)
  • Kitty litter
  • Disposable gloves
  • Office supplies like computer paper and postage stamps
  • Cash donations for payroll, veterinarian bills and utilities

One of the greatest needs, however, is a full-time director for the shelter. Since last March, Minshew has volunteered to serve in this capacity for free until a qualified applicant can be found. Minshew said the no-kill shelter is in good standing with all cooperating entities – including the city and county – and it’s taken a lot of work to regain stability after some misappropriations.

“The shelter unfortunately has a history of people taking advantage of it and we don’t want that to happen again,” she said. “If we had to close, there’s nowhere for these animals to go. That’s why I’m working for nothing. It keeps me up at night. We got to keep these doors open – there is no other option.”

To stay up-to-date with the local shelter and its needs, please visit their Facebook page. The Carthage Humane Society is located at 13860 Dog Kennel Rd., Carthage and may be reached at 358-6402.
