Beef Cattle Record Red Books Now Available at Jasper County Extension Office


CARTHAGE, Mo. — The popular beef cattle herd record Red Books are now available at University of Missouri Extension Centers. They are shirt-pocket sized with a wealth of information in them such as a gestation table, death loss codes, calving ease score, body condition score system, Beef Quality Assurance practices, cow herd inventory, calf weaning record for over 400-cow herds and much more.

Most of the Red Book users gather field data then transfer it to a computer program or a three-ring binder.

The book was developed in the mid-80’s at the University of Idaho in conjunction with the National Integrated Resource Management Committee. Sponsors this year in Missouri are Extension and the Missouri Show-Me-Select Beef Replacement Heifer program.


A limited number of the books are now available at your local extension office. The price is $7.00 and can be picked up at your local extension office.

To reserve your copy or for more information, please call the Jasper County Extension Office at 417-358-2158.



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