The Tornado Ridge Chapter of Back Country Horsemen had a full house for its second meeting of the year at the Pierce City Library. With guest speaker Cody Bailey, from Missouri Department of Conservation, the group learned how to properly trim trees and their branches while maintaining multi use trails for everyone.

After much discussion for years in late 2017 a group of equestrians got together and took the steps to officially start a BCH chapter in southwest Missouri. With the help of the state organization and nearby other chapter leaders the Tornado Ridge Chapter was formed.
Back Country Horsemen of Missouri is first and foremost a service organization. We volunteer our time and energies to keep both equestrian and multi use trails open and enjoyable for everyone. We clear deadfall, prune low hanging branches, clear brush, pick up trash, improve trail heads and work on erosion control projects on Missouri’s public lands. Our goals are to educate riders and non riders to promote and follow the Leave No Trace Principles, basic trail courtesy and ethics, and best methods in trail building and maintenance. We are trail advocates.
Sixteen members were in attendance for the meeting that started off with official chapter business, events and projects that the club has in the works. It was the biggest turnout since forming and everyone enjoyed Cody’s presentation along with a question and answer session. Cody is the forester for McDonald and Barry County and has been here for 3 years now. One of the projects that are in the works with Tornado Ridge Chapter and Cody, MDC, is putting up some permanent trail markings at Flag Spring Conservation Area.
Contact and follow us on Facebook and join us at our next meeting for Tornado Ridge Chapter at the Pierce city library on March 12th at 6:00 pm.