Route BB/Stoney’s Branch Bridge in Jasper Co. CLOSED Jan. 13-17


Where: Jasper County Route BB bridge over Stoney’s Branch between Jasper County Route N and Oak Road northeast of Carthage

When: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday, January 13-17

What: MoDOT crews doing work on bridge deck/driving surface in advance of project to replace the bridge


Traffic Impacts:

  • All lanes of Route BB CLOSED where crews are working
  • All lanes OPEN during nighttime hours
  • Drivers will have access to all driveways and entrances on Route BB, but will not be able to drive over the bridge
  • No signed detours, drivers should find alternate route
  • Signs and message boards will alert drivers approaching the work zone
  • Check MoDOT’s Traveler Information Map for road closings/traffic impacts

Weather and/or scheduling conflicts could alter the work schedule.

This work was originally scheduled for week of December 18.
