Felony child abuse charges filed against Carthage man who allegedly beat daughter, stepdaughter


Felony child abuse charges were filed today against a Carthage man who allegedly left noticeable hand marks on his children while administering punishment Sunday.

The Carthage Police Department investigation after Carthage R-9 staff reported the school’s resource officer the extent of the bruises James Allen Landes (DOB 1996) left on his daughter and stepdaughter.

From the probable cause statement:


During a subsequent forensic interview with juvenile victim 1, she disclosed her stepfather James LANDES spanked her leaving large hand-shaped bruises on her buttocks, thigh, and back.

An exam was conducted on juvenile victim 1 at the Children’s Center. The exam revealed a large hand-shaped bruise on her left thigh, mid-back, and buttocks. These injuries were documented as consistent with signs of abuse, and corroborated juvenile victim 1’s version of events.

During a subsequent forensic interview with juvenile victim 2, she disclosed her biological father James LANDES spanked her on the buttocks and slapped her on the face. An exam was conducted on juvenile victim 2 at the Children’s Center. The exam revealed, bruising to her buttocks and face along with a laceration in her mouth.

These injuries were documented as consistent with signs of abuse, and corroborated juvenile victim 2’s version of events.

During a subsequent interview with James LANDES, he corroborated the juvenile victim(s) version of events. He admitted to hitting his children and inflicting the injuries on them. He made the statement in the interview if he inflicted the injuries on the children he deserved to be in jail.

Judge Joseph Hensley set Landes’ bond at $7,500- $5,000 surety and $2,500 bond with the stipulation that he not have any contact with anyone under age 18 and with the alleged victims “direct or indirect, through any manner or medium.”

Originally appeared on The Turner Report

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