CHS students cut Footloose

Ren McCormack, played by Jacob Kimrey, dips Ariel Moore, portrayed by Emma Hargrave, in a scene from Footloose The Musical, Carthage High School’s fall play. Brandi Ensor / The Carthage Press

Students from Carthage High School presented Footloose The Musical on November 15, 16, and 17. The musical adaptation of the iconic 80’s film included the use of cell phones to post an altercation on social media and updated wardrobe to bring the musical into current times.

The play, which took nearly 100 students to produce, started with auditions in the end of August. Emma Hargrave was cast in the role of Ariel Moore, the preacher’s daughter who falls for the town’s newest resident. Jacob Kimrey was cast as Ren McCormack, a Chicago kid who moves to town after his parents separate. Ren’s mother, Ethel McCormack, was played by Lydia Carlson. Carlos Gonzalez and Ashlyn Quinly were cast as Ariel’s parents, Reverend Shaw Moore and his wife, Vi.

The musical featured an orchestra, conducted by Brian Hargrave. The orchestra spent four weeks preparing for the performance, which included 18 songs. Students in the orchestra included Cora Burkhardt, Brett Boyer, and Emma Nicholas, as well as adult volunteers from several area groups.

James Pennington (second from left) performs Mama Says, a song about advice given to him by his crazy mother, with Jacob Kimrey, Spencer Lines, Ethan Matlock, and Josiah Gilbert in Footloose The Musical. Brandi Ensor / The Carthage Press

“It really is a joy working with the kids,” Brian said. “Without them there is no reason to do this. They are a great group. The only drama was drama that was supposed to happen on stage!”

The musical featured several songs that are now considered classics from the movie.

Footloose, the well-known theme song, was performed by the entire cast as the opening scene and again as the finale and featured high energy dancing mixed with tumbling routines by several students.

Emma performed Holding Out For A Hero, set in the local burger joint, with her closest friends surrounding her.

“My favorite thing was playing someone the complete opposite of me,” Emma explained. “Being someone completely different who switches between how she interacts with the other characters. The acting aspect is my favorite part.”

Let’s Hear It For The Boy was performed by Kalen Davis, who was cast as Ariel’s best friend, Rusty, and performed during the dance club scene as she talks about her crush, Willard, played by James Pennington.

Almost Paradise was a duet performed on the train bridge by Kimrey and Emma.

The play was directed by Caraline Dawson, with Katie Crigger directing vocals. Choreography was by Patrice Sacry and Brian served as conductor and co-vocal director.

“It is truly a group effort between the parents, kids, and directors. It’s definitely a team effort. Without everyone’s support and everyone banding together, a play of this magnitude would not happen,” Crigger said.

“This was the fourth year for Katie, Brian, Patrice, and I to do this together and each year we get better and better,” Dawson said. “It is a group effort and I have the best team of professionals working with the kids. Everybody gives it their all.”
