Andy Thomas named Carthage Christmas Parade Grand Marshal

Carthage Artist Andy Thomas. John Hacker / The Carthage Press

As an artist, Carthage Native Andy Thomas says he likes to paint scenes of family and goodwill.

Christmas is about fun and family and goodwill, which makes the CHS SkillsUSA club’s choice of Thomas as the 46th Annual Carthage Christmas Parade’s Grand Marshal even more topical and appropriate.

Mark Sponaugle, advisor of the group which organizes and hosts the event, made the announcement on Monday that Thomas had been selected to lead the Parade, scheduled for 7 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 3.


“This is the year SkillsUSA selects an individual from the community who has promoted and supported the community as a whole,” SkillsUSA said in a written release. “We believe Mr. Thomas has done that and more. He has put Carthage and its rich history on the map through his artwork that has gone beyond the city limits of Carthage. Carthage is home for Mr. Thomas and in a small way we are thanking him for all he has done.”

Thomas said he was honored to lead the parade and humbled by the group’s words. He said his work has put him in a position where sometimes he can be of service to his community.

“My hometown means a lot to me because it has provided me with all these memories and knowledge and skills, inspiration, all these years,” Thomas said. “I wouldn’t think of moving away from it. People are often confused to hear of a relatively well-known artist from such an obscure place but to me it’s the perfect place to generate creative interest.”

Thomas said Christmas is a special time and when he’s not painting scenes of historical events or western culture, he tries to paint scenes that reflect the spirit that makes Christmas a special time.

“With all my artwork, basically, I try to make paintings of good will or fun,” Thomas said. “And that’s what Christmas is all about. It’s about family, it’s a lot about the life we grew up in, and Christmas is always the perfect time to be close to your family. And I love that.”

About SkillsUSA and the parade

SkillsUSA is a youth organization, made up of high school students who are enrolled in classes at the Carthage Technical Center. These classes cover a wide range of interests such as Health Sciences, Computer Maintenance, Carpentry, Drafting, Public Safety and Precision Machining. Our students and advisors know it is important to give back to the community that has been so giving to them. With that thought in mind, we are proud to sponsor this year’s parade. SkillsUSA has been part of the Carthage Christmas Parade since the beginning. As it states in the SkillsUSA creed, “We believe in the dignity of hard work and the American way of life.” The Christmas parade has been a long-standing tradition in Carthage and the Carthage SkillsUSA Chapter is proud to be part of this tradition.
