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Event Series Event Series: Philip Ledbetter: Paint in Motion

Philip Ledbetter: Paint in Motion

May 8, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm


artCentral in Carthage presents Philip Ledbetter: Paint in MotionApril 2-May 15, 2021—featuring the dynamic action paintings of Joplin artist Philip Ledbetter in a solo exhibition. The opening reception takes place April 2, 2021, Friday, 6-8 pm, at Hyde House, 1110 East Thirteenth Street in Carthage. The exhibition will continue Fridays and Saturdays from noon to 5 pm through May 15. artCentral invites the public to attend; admission is free, and donations are welcome. Carthage Hardware, Quinn’s Custom Framing, and SMB | Southwest Missouri Bank are the gracious underwriters for this exhibition.

GALLERY HOURS: Fridays & Saturdays 12:00-5:00. All other days call (417) 358-4404 to schedule a visit.

About Philip Ledbetter – Many of Philip Ledbetter’s paintings are almost larger than life. They fill the galleries of artCentral with out-sized dimensions, pulsating energy, jazzy excitement, and palpable joy. All the paintings in the exhibition’s portfolio were first brushed with a latex foundation color, then created by dripping or throwing the paint onto the canvas. With Ledbetter’s technique, the paint leaves the brush, or whatever implement he is using, moves through the air, and is actually in motion before landing on the canvas. The body of work that Ledbetter has created for PAINT in MOTION is inspired by the sun and the sea, nature and artists, and music that he loves.

A native of California, by the age of nineteen, Ledbetter, having practiced for five years, became a fairly accomplished Bluegrass musician and vocalist. Playing guitar and five-string banjo, he was drawn to the Ozarks of Arkansas. After one year of learning to party, he dropped out of the University of the Ozarks in Arkansas and traveled north to Missouri.


Ledbetter worked as a hospital orderly and began to study emergency medicine at Missouri Southern State University and the University of Missouri-Columbia. Completing his studies, he worked for ten years as a Nationally Registered Paramedic in Carthage, Missouri. Becoming fascinated by diagnostic ultrasound, Ledbetter eventually left emergency medicine, becoming a registered Adult Cardiac Sonographer.

Simultaneously Ledbetter spent 22 years in the Navy Reserves as a Corpsman. After retirement, he attended Missouri Southern State University, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Studio Art with a minor Art History degree.

Today at the estate of “Three Oaks” on the banks of Shoal Creek, Phil has home studios in his living room and garage.


artCentral is a nonprofit organization with the mission to promote, exhibit, teach and foster the appreciation of fine arts in our community. artCentral is an ArtSafe Space with a commitment to follow CDC protocols. Everyone wears a mask. Everyone fills out a questionnaire for contact tracing. All teachers and interns use best sanitizing practices. The gallery is limited to a ten-person capacity for social distancing.

For additional details, contact Alice Lynn Greenwood-Mathé at 417-358-4404 or artcentral@artcentralcarthage.org




1110 E. 13th St.
Carthage, MO 64836 United States
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