The University of Missouri spring semester 2023 graduation list is now available. In May 2023, 4,979 students received a total of 7,270 degrees and certificates.
Joanna Kenneth Lee
Juris Doctor in Law-JD
Graduate Certificate in Dispute Resolution – Grad Cert
Nathan David Petersen
Bachelor of Science in Microbiology-BS
Minor in Biological Sciences-MI
Clay Michael Snyder
Bachelor of Science in Psychology-BS
Undergraduate Certificate in Multicultural Studies-Ugrd Cert
Minor in Computer Science-MI
Adam Harrison Theis
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Business Administration-BSBA with an emphasis in Finance and Banking
Bachelor of Science in Economics-BS
Saloam Ann Whitmore
Master of Education in Learning, Teaching and Curriculum – MED with an emphasis in Tch Eng to Speakers Other Lang