Carthage R-9 Board of Education recap Feb. 20, 2023


The Carthage R-9 Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, February 20, 2023, 6:00 pm, at Steadley Elementary. Present were Board members Niki Cloud, Karen Wilkinson, Nathan Terry, Jeff Jones, Patrick Scott, and Ryan Collier. Bill Lasley attended via Zoom.

Steadley Elementary student Sadie Bills led the Pledge of Allegiance. First grade students provided cheerful songs under the direction of vocal music teacher Ms. Lydia Burnett.

The Board approved the Consent Agenda for the purpose of approving the meeting agenda, minutes of previous meetings, payment of bills, district financial report, date for board reorganizational meeting, 2023-2024 academic calendar, and student ridership count for 2022-2023.


The Board of Education was recognized for its service as part of the upcoming Board of Education Appreciation Week. Dr. Baker presented each board member a certificate of appreciation from the Missouri School Boards’ Association. Angie Haas, President of the Carthage Community Teachers’ Association, and Libby Collier, President of the Carthage National Education Association thanked the Board of Education for its commitment to the children of Carthage. Donations from CCTA and CNEA were made to the Carthage R-9 School Foundation to honor the Board for their many sacrifices.

Deena Murdock and Jessica McDonald, District Counseling Specialists, presented Trauma Informed Training to the Board of Education. The summary of the Missouri model for Trauma Informed Care was discussed along with the need for being a trauma informed school district.

Mr. Bryan Shallenburger, Director of Special Services, presented a MSIP 6 Standard Report on Special Services. Providing quality IEP meetings, writing better goals for students, and reducing the number of waived IEP evaluations so students are receiving the appropriate services have improved. The district received good results from our Tiered Monitoring Desk Review regarding compliance with the IDEA from DESE. Our special education numbers continue to hold at 11% while seeing an increase in the number of 504 Plans for students with a disability. IEP goals and iReady data are used to monitor student growth and progress. Our goal is to both support and challenge students.

Mr. Jones provided a Carthage R-9 School Foundation update highlighting it is scholarship and contest season and encouraged students to apply.

Dr. Baker spoke with the board regarding selecting a date for a community meeting to discuss the upcoming April 4, 2023, bond issue and how the budget will be affected. The meeting will take place on March 6, 2023, 6:30 pm in the Carthage R-9 Auditorium.

Dr. Baker introduced Abi Almandinger, Carthage Parks and Recreation Director, and Greg Dagnan, Carthage City Administrator to the Board. Mrs. Almandinger and Mr. Dagnan provided information regarding Carl Lewton Stadium. Dr. Baker stated CHS baseball practices will be held at Carl Lewton Stadium but games will be at Joe Becker Stadium and Wendell Redden Stadium in Joplin, Missouri.

Dr. Baker presented renderings for the PAC and baseball field, naming right opportunities, and a FAQ that will be posted on the district website.

Dr. Baker updated the Board regarding the following:

• Many great things are happening in our district: Renae Brownfield, Carthage Junior High Science Teacher, won a $12,000 MO Samsung Solve for Tomorrow STEM innovation contest which includes Samsung products and resources to use in the classroom.

• CHS Career Fair was held on February 17, 2023 with over 70 tables and presenters from colleges/universities, military, local law enforcement, local fire department, and local businesses. Mock interviews were conducted, career conversations and connections were made all in a professional atmosphere.

• Carthage R-9 social media posts have promoted recent successes for swimmers, Royal Tigerettes, Speech and Debate, Super Staff Saturday, February is CTE month, and Kate Wagner – Vietnam War Protest: Acts of Informal Debate in the Missouri State History Day Competition.

• Golden Key Winners will be recognized at the Carthage Chamber of Commerce Banquet on February 23, 2023. Heather McConnell (Pre-K – 3), Jeni Barlow (4-6), Jessica Marquez (7-8), and Christy Philpot (9-12).

• Upcoming important dates include: Kindergarten Round-up March 2-3, Statewide Tornado Drill Tuesday, March 7, at 10:00am, March board meeting Thursday, March 16, at Intermediate Center, and Spring Break March 20-25.

• As always, remember CHILDREN’S BEST INTEREST!

The Board met in closed session immediately following the regular meeting to discuss legal, personnel, student matters, and evaluative personnel reports in compliance with Section 610.021 (1), (3), (6), and (13) of the Revised Statutes of Missouri.
