CARTHAGE, Mo. — The Carthage R-9 Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, October 17, 2022, 6:00 pm, at Columbian Elementary. Present were Board members Niki Cloud, Bill Lasley, Karen Wilkinson, Nathan Terry, Jeff Jones, and Ryan Collier. Patrick Scott was absent.
Columbian students Daxtyn Nixon and Harley Rohr led the Pledge of Allegiance. Second grade students provided cheerful songs under the direction of vocal music teacher Mr. Calvin Gazaway.
The Board approved the Consent Agenda for the purpose of approving the meeting agenda, minutes of previous meeting, payment of bills, district financial report, 2023 practical nursing program student handbook, student ridership count and bus routes for 2022-2023, and South Tech Center metal storage specs.
Dr. Matt Huntley, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, Beth Hunt, Curriculum Director, and Dr. Holley Goodnight, Assistant Superintendent of Business, presented a MSIP 6 Standard update regarding leadership – professional development. An overview of target areas one, two, and three were discussed.
Mr. Jones provided a Carthage R-9 Foundation update. Trivia night fundraiser is happening November 12th at 6pm at Bykota Church and the Major Saver card campaign has kicked off.
Dr. Baker updated the Board regarding the following:
- Show Me the Ozarks Magazine featured art teachers Alexandra Burnside at Fairview Elementary and Cheryl Church at Carthage High School.
- Carthage High School Art Club volunteered to design and paint a mural/wall on the district warehouse near the Carthage square and will take votes through an upcoming Facebook post.
- Congratulations to Dr. Barlow on your retirement with 40+ years in education, Jennifer Sager on hosting a successful Maple Leaf Band Festival, and Becky Purinton on helping organize the Maple Leaf Festival.
- Reminders: October 25 and 27 – Parent Teachers Conferences, October 28 – No school, and November 7 – No school / Staff PD Day.
- Dr. Baker announced his retirement effective June 30, 2023.
- As always, remember CHILDREN’S BEST INTEREST!