Filing period starts for city, school elections in April 2019


People interested in taking leadership positions for Carthage City Council and Carthage R-9 Board of Education will start filing for those positions on Tuesday.

The filing period for the April 2, 2019 local elections in Missouri runs from Dec. 11, 2018 to Jan. 15, 2019.

Two of the seven seats on the Carthage Board of Education and five of the 10 seats on the Carthage City Council will be open for election this year.


School Board members will serve three-year terms, while the City Council members will be elected to two year terms.

Filing for School Board seats will be at the Carthage R-9 District Administration office, 710 Lyon St., Carthage.

Filing for Carthage City Council will be at Carthage City Hall, 326 Grant St., Carthage.
