Jasper County’s Cassatt, Hudson named Missouri 4-H Delegates


This November twenty Missouri 4-H Delegates will travel to Atlanta, Georgia for a once in a lifetime experience. They will attend National 4-H Congress to network with peers from across the country. While there, they will attend workshops, complete service-learning opportunities, and tour some of Atlanta’s famous landmarks.

Local 4-H club and county opportunities, along with state 4-H events, prepare teens for national programs.

To be selected as a delegate to National 4-H Congress, Missouri 4-H’ers must complete the Level 3 State Excellence Award process. Each year finalist travel to Columbia to complete their interviews. The top twenty applicants are selected and announced at closing ceremonies during State 4-H Congress.


This year, Tannah Cassatt and Nathaniel Hudson, were selected from Jasper County

“I am excited to learn and grow alongside the Missouri delegates,” says Megan Kershner, Missouri 4-H’s new Awards Coordinator. “Getting to meet them in person and see their commitment to Missouri 4-H was really inspiring.”

Congratulations our local delegate.

About Missouri 4-H

More than 55,000 members strong, Missouri 4-H is an active, dynamic organization of young people who are learning, growing and preparing to be the leaders of today and tomorrow – making a real difference in their community, country and world. 4-H is the youth development program of the University of Missouri and the nation’s Cooperative Extension System. For more information, visit 4h.missouri.edu.
