artNotes from Hyde House: Do you know that good feeling?


Art and artCentral make a difference and you can make a difference, too!

Do you know that good feeling you get when you give just a little something that makes a difference—something that makes our world a little bit better and brighter?

Want to feel that good feeling? Support artCentral and GIVE4ART! on GIVE CARTHAGE DAY—March 24, Wednesday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Your online donation will make a real difference to help grow and expand artCentral’s mission to support, share and teach fine arts in greater Carthage.

Giving online is easy! Simply go to and make you contribution.


Every unique donation we make increases artCentral’s chances to win an hourly drawing for $5,000 in cash to fund artCentral’s programming!

Do you have an extra five dollars, or maybe ten to share? You can donate more than once! Please consider making one small donation each hour.  This is my plan for making my own contributions.

If your employer has a matching gift program, request a match to your donation and increase the power of your giving.  What a wonderful surprise you deliver when artCentral receives that matching gift!

I promise…when you support artCentral you will get that good giving feeling—that feeling like when you are standing in the checkout line with a grocery cart piled full of your week’s shopping and you are really anxious to get home and an older woman walks up with two items and you gesture for her to go in front of you and she turns around and smiles and says “thank you”.

That’s the good feeling I am thinking of. The feeling you get when you  give because giving is a good choice—an easy way to make someone else’s day a little happier.

Giving—even the smallest gesture of generosity—can feel really good! Giving just a small gift can make a big difference. When you give to GIVE4ART! and artCentral on GIVE CARTHAGE DAY your generosity will make a real difference.

You will make a difference in the life a child learning the joy of self-expression. You make a difference in the life of a studio artist making art to share with all of us. You make a difference in our community where we treasure our cultural history and strive to bring great art to our special small town.

Every art journey begins with an art supporter! When you give $10.00 you can launch an art  journey!

Brushes and paint and paper, oh my! Your $20.00 gift provides for artCamp supplies.

Your $50.00 gift helps with snacks for our always hungry artCampers!

Your gift of $200 provides for artCamp teacher compensation.

Do you want that good feeling you get when you give just a little something that makes a difference—something that makes our world a little better and brighter?

That wonderful good giving feeling can be yours! Support artCentral and GIVE4ART! on GIVE CARTHAGE DAY—March 24, Wednesday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Personally and on behalf of artCentral’s board of directors I offer our deep gratitude for your support and your giving to keep artCentral strong, thriving and giving back to our sweet small town.

We at artCentral are truly grateful to Carthage Community Foundation and Community Foundation of the Ozarks for supporting artCentral and all the non-profit organizations of greater Carthage on GIVE CARTHAGE DAY.
