Pre-order Missouri’s newest personalized license plate available for autos, trucks, motorcycles & motorhomes


Missouri has a rich aviation history and what better way to share the spirit of aviation with others than to sport the new “I’d Rather Fly” license plate? Since the fall of 2017, Chapter 944 of the Experimental Aviation Association has been developing a specialty license plate with a general aviation theme for the state of Missouri. In order to meet the last D.O.R. requirement, the chapter must pre-sell the first 200 plates. They have met over half their goal, but are still running short to meet the criteria. The funds will go to support and promote general aviation all over the state of Missouri through grants and scholarships.

EAA Chapter 944 volunteers participate in the Young Eagles Program and are responsible for more than 2,880 free rides in airplanes for youth ages 8-17 introducing and inspiring kids to the world of aviation. They participate in the EAA Advanced Air Academy for week-long camps designed to introduce teens to aviation through technical and classroom seminars where they get to discover the unlimited opportunities a career in aviation has to offer. One of our chapter members has also been involved with Challenge Air for 9 years, which is an organization founded in 1993 that has flown over 37,000 Special Need Youth. These are just a few of the programs that Chapter 944 is involved in.

We invite you to help Chapter 944 meet the goal of 200 pre-sold license plates. By doing so, the spirit of aviation will come to life on the road as well as in the air, and we can continue to support those who dream of being pilots. The process of buying a plate is quite simple, and the information can be found below along with a sample of the license plate shown above.


Go To Our Website For Additional Information
