The White Pages: Appointments for statewide commissions


During the second week of the 2019 legislative session, my colleagues in the Missouri Senate began the process of considering appointments for various statewide commissions, agencies and boards. I was honored to be able to sponsor the following individuals: Linda Scorse to the State Veterinary Medical Board and Jerrod Hogan to the state Board of Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Professional Landscape Architects. In addition, Phillip Slinkard was reappointed to the state Board of Accountancy, who was joined Nick Myers, current member of State Board of Accountancy. I am confident that each of these individuals will be an asset to their respective boards and will help move Missouri forward by improving decision making within our state agencies and departments.


Over the course of this legislative session, I have been filing bills that reflect the issues that matter to my constituents. So far, I have filed a total of 13 bills. Senate Bill 66 is a proposal that establishes the Missouri Water Safety and Security Act. This bill requires all public water systems, except those systems without internet-connected control systems, to create a plan that establishes policies and procedures for cyber security risk management, prevention and mitigation within one year of the act’s effective date. It also requires the water utility to develop an asset management plan for the inspection and replacement of equipment and infrastructure. The bill is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee.

Senate Bill 123 is a proposal that allows the $10 fee for service of any summons, writ, subpoena or other court order to be collected for the deputy sheriff salary supplemental fund regardless of who serves court orders.


Another piece of legislation I filed is Senate Bill 239. This proposal allows the the governing body of a political subdivision to opt out of provisions relating to prevailing wage.

I also filed Senate Bill 240, a proposal that would give individual counties the option to vote on the Right to Work issue. Citizens of the 32nd Senatorial District voted to support Right to Work with Newton and Jasper counties defeating the repeal. Although the arguments over Right to Work are primarily centered on economic issues, there is a serious constitutional issue of freedom of association for workers. This proposal restricts employers from requiring employees to become, remain or refrain from becoming a member of a labor organization or pay dues or other fees required by labor organizations as a condition of employment. Further, it allows workers to choose freely if they wish to affiliate with a labor organization or not without the fear of retaliation.


I am honored to be appointed to the Court Automation Committee. This committee oversees automation improvements within the court systems. One of the goals of this committee is to help court officials and the public easily navigate Missouri’s court databases. I look forward to discussing alternatives that will continue to help our judicial branch maintain a level of efficiency and accessibility for those who use the system on a daily basis.


Last week, I attended the third annual Legislative Legal Landscape panel event, hosted by the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis. I sat on a panel with several attorney legislators who were there to provide insight on legislative issues that may affect the legal community throughout the state. During the event, we had a very good exchange of questions, answers and ideas among practicing lawyers, attorneys and legislators. As a result, I hope the legal community realizes that our doors are open for discussion on various issues, and it shows how accessible we are as lawmakers.

I also had the pleasure of meeting with Kristy Parker and Erin Phipps, two child advocates from the Bill & Virginia Leffen Autism Center in Joplin. This was an opportunity to hear more about their mission and the great services they provide to their clients.

I encourage you all to schedule a visit to discuss issues that matter to you. As always, I appreciate hearing your comments, opinions and concerns. Please feel free to contact me in Jefferson City at (573) 751-2173. You may also email me at [email protected].

