Dr. Ervin Jerrol Dunham


Dr. Ervin Jerrol Dunham passed away at his home on Monday, January 27, 2025, at the age of 97. He was born in Nixa, Missouri, on May 30, 1927.

Moving to Carthage at age seven, he attended Mark Twain School and graduated from Carthage High School in 1945, after which he served in the U.S. Army. He subsequently earned degrees from Joplin Junior College and the Universities of Missouri and Colorado before beginning a teaching career. In 1965 he earned the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts from the University of Arizona.

He taught at Woodberry Forest School in Virginia, Missouri Southern College, and Arkansas State University, from which he retired as Emeritus Professor of Music in 1983. He was presented the Faculty-Alumni Award by the University of Missouri in 1973 and was named Arkansas Musician of the Year by the Federated Music Clubs of Arkansas in 1974. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Music Alpha Sinfonia., and the American Guild of Organists. He was organist and choir director at many churches, including Trinity Episcopal Church in Natchez, Mississippi. He was an Episcopalian.


Private interment will be at the National Cemetery at Port Hudson, Louisiana.
