I’m Diggin’ It December 2024 Meeting

November finds for members of the I'm Diggin' It MD Group. Photo provided

CARTHAGE, Mo. — The I’m Diggin’ It Metal Detecting Club met at 8 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 7 at the Carthage Braum’s for their December monthly meeting.

The club discussed some of their finds from the previous months.

Category winners for December were:


Civil War: Tom Bayless, Fired mini ball

Jewelry: David Hoover, vintage brooch

Nicest Coin: Tom Bayless, 1853 half dime

Oldest Coin: Tom Bayless, 1865 2-cent piece

Relic: Jerry Harris, Southwest Honor Ensemble Member pin and ribbon

Token: Jarrod Miller, 5 cent trade token Anheuser-Busch Saloon, Central City, MO

Toy: None entered

Each category winner receives a silver dime as a prize.

Members present were President Tom Bayless, Treasurer David Hoover, Jerry Harris, Matt Barrett, Jarrod Miller and Ambree Hoover.

After the meeting, a few of the members went and hunted around the Carthage area.

The next meeting will be held Saturday, Jan. 4, 2025 at Braum’s. For questions, or to join the club, visit I’m Diggin it md group on Facebook.
