ESC’s Head Start Awarded a 5-year Non-Competitive Grant Designation


The Administration For Children and Families’ (ACF) Office of Head Start (OHS) notified Economic Security Corporation of Southwest Area’s (ESC) Head Start that our program is eligible for a non-competitive five-year grant award to operate Head Start. This is big news. 

The noncompetitive grant designation is awarded to programs of high quality based on a number of factors such as performance on federal monitoring, financial stability of the agency and compliance with performance standards and regulations. ‘

The program recently completed both its Federal monitoring and financial audit with no findings or deficiencies. The designation ensures consistency and high quality results will continue for children, families and community involved with the program. 


Our Head Start reaches over 1,000 children and their families annually. We receive over $7 Million dollars. 93% of ESC’s Head Start children are Kindergarten ready. In addition, we leverage over $3 Million dollars, create or maintain over 225 local jobs, supports 125 local businesses and provides 260 professionals training in early childhood. 
