Carthage R-9 Board of Education Meeting Notes 12-20-21


The Carthage R-9 Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, December 20, 2021, 6:00 pm, at Carthage Junior High. Present were Board members Ms. Niki Cloud, Mrs. Karen Wilkinson, Mr. Ryan Ryan Collier, Mr. Jeff Jones, and Mr. Patrick Scott. Mr. Bill Lasley was absent.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ms. Cloud.

The Board approved the Consent Agenda for the purpose of approving the meeting agenda, minutes of previous meetings, payment of bills, financial reports, and amendments to the FY21 budget.


Renda Armstrong, DSWA, CPAs, reviewed the FY20 audit report. Carthage R-9 was in compliance with all requirements and received an overall clean audit report with no material weaknesses.

Beth Hunt, Curriculum Director, provided an evaluative report on Curriculum, Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) I-5. An abbreviated District Report Card released by DESE indicates the District, when compared to state averages, experiences a larger percentage of students who qualify for free/reduced lunches, almost double the average percentage of Transitional Living/Homeless students, and almost seven times the number of English Language Learners. The district continues to see graduation rates higher than the state average. With the success and support of the Carthage Technical Center, the placement of CTE students into the workforce continues to rise.

Mr. Gage Tiller, Carthage Technical Center Assistant Director, provided an evaluative report on Adult/Community Education, Missouri School Improvement Program Area G-6. Carthage Technical Center works with different community agencies and area businesses to provide a variety of community education classes. Certifications and licensing are offered in various fields and financial aid is available for those who qualify. The Practical Nursing Class of 2021 graduated 20 students this month.

Mrs. Bonnie Schaeffer, Adult Education/Literacy Coordinator, provided an evaluative report on Adult Education/Literacy, Missouri School Improvement Program Area G-6. Over 185 individuals each year acquire skills through English as a Second Language (ESL) and High School Equivalency (HSE) classes offered at North Technical Center. Since reporting to the Board in 2019, Carthage AEL has developed and added the following new classes: Daytime HSE, Citizenship, Evening Multi-Level ELL Zoom Class, Fundamentals of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Class, and HSE Boot Camp.

Lee Florian Goetzinger was selected as the district’s Missouri School Boards’ Association John T. Belcher Scholarship nominee. Lee Florian Goetzinger will compete for a regional scholarship. One regional winner will be awarded a state-wide scholarship.

Ms. Cloud provided a Carthage R-9 School Foundation update. Look for flyers around town or check out the Carthage R-9 Foundation Facebook page for more information.

Dr. Baker shared the average fill rate by day of week and lead time for substitute teachers for the months of August, September, and October.

Dr. Baker revisited the 2021-2022 Tigers Together (SRCSP) Back-to-School Plan for approval of contract tracing, COVID dashboard, and expanding test to stay option within the district.

Dr. Baker shared more in-depth layout designs for the Performing Arts Center, containing seating for 1250. In January the board will make the decision to add it to the ballot or pass. The board must approve ballot language in January to list on the April 2022 election.

The Board approved Recruiting and Retaining Substitute Staff adding incentive, including full time sub positions, reimbursement for fingerprint fees, increase substitute rates for retired employees, monthly frequency incentives, and more.

Renda Armstrong, DSWA, CPAs, reviewed the FY21 audit report. Carthage R-9 was in compliance with all requirements and received an overall clean audit report with no material weaknesses.

Dr. Baker updated the Board regarding the following items:

• Update on Board Candidates for the 2022 filing year

• Importance of Recruit and Retain

• Bilingual Stipend and Support Staff Educational Experience Degrees

• Tigers and Lions Together

• Tiger Fitness Center for Staff


The Board met in closed session immediately following the regular meeting to discuss legal, personnel, and student matters in compliance with Section 610.021 (1), (3), (6), and (13) of the Revised Statutes of Missouri.

In closed session, the Board approved the following personnel actions:

The Board accepted the resignations/retirement of the following certified staff:

Certified Staff Retirement:
Meyer, Kimberly Library Media Specialist Columbian Elementary
Reed, Carol EL Teacher Fairview Elementary
Nelson, Randi Dual Language Kindergarten Teacher (English) Fairview Elementary
Fairview Elementary Fairview Elementary Junior High School
Support Staff Retirement:
Parson, Larry Custodian Columbian Elementary
Certified Staff Resignation:
Wiemers, David Instructional Inverventionist Carthage High School
Keck, Stephanie Kindergarten Teacher Mark Twain Elementary
Webster, Audrey Special Education Teacher Carthage Intermediate Center
McKnight, Jersvy EL Teacher Mark Twain Elementary
Brinkhoff, Tammi ELA Teacher Junior High School
Support Staff Resignation:
Bourgeous, Ammon Custodian Steadley Elementary
Sloniker, Carolyn Substitute Cook District
O'Neill, Christian Head Custodian Junior High School
Reyes, Elder EL Paraprofessional Junior High School
Nichols, Laura Cook Carthage High School
Musick, Sadie Administrative Assistant Carthage High School
Extra Duty Resignation:
Wiemers, David Assistant Football Coach Carthage High School
Musick, Sadie Assistant Softball Coach Carthage High School
Certified Hire:
Ogle, Coeta Practical Nursing Coordinator Carthage Tech Center
Linder, Mary Beth Practical Nursing Instructor Carthage Tech Center
Callen, Rebecca Special Education Teacher Carthage High School
Otey, Matthew Instructional Intervention Specialist Carthage High School
Branstetter, Jo Ellen Practical Nursing Instructor Carthage Tech Center
Support Hire:
Rodas, Heimy Cook Columbian Elementary
Goade, Jane Part-time Parent Educator Parents as Teachers
West, Mary Part-time Title I Instructional Assistant 6th Grade Center
England, Johnny Custodian TBD
Solis, Guadalupe Tiger Prep Paraprofessional Fairview Elementary
Hendricks, Caden School Psychologist Intern District
Sonntag, Aurora Personal Paraprofessional Carthage Intermediate Center
Cardena, Geovanna Dual Language Paraprofessional Fairview Elementary
Parman, Somer Cook Junior High School
Haas, Dominique Cook Carthage Intermediate Center
Moren, Luz Cook Carthage Intermediate Center
Substitute Staff:
Fent, LeeAnn Substitute Carthage Tech Center
Blankenship, Jessica Substitute District
Henry, Kevin Substitute District
Hemman, Karen Substitute District
DeCrescenzo, Becky Substitute District
Wilson, Kelsey Substitute District
Lane, Laura Substitute District
Cooper Story, Pamela Substitute District
Carter, Lucas Substitute District
Reynolds, Logan Substitute District
Conness, Kenzie Substitute District