Salvation Army braces for holiday season after huge flux in October

The Diaper Bank of the Ozarks is a new service operating from the Carthage Salvation Army and it received a $500 grant to help buy 4,000 diapers from the Carthage Community Foundation on Oct. 25. Pictured are CCF Board Members Mark Elliff and Patrick Scott, and CCF Coordinator Heather Collier. John Hacker / The Carthage Press

On an average month of the year, the Carthage Salvation Army helps about 30 families — in October they served 62.

Captains Chuck and Dana Cook with the Salvation Army are getting ready for their third holiday season in Carthage with the hope that the kettle donations will help offset the rising number of families in need they’ve seen over the past four months. Additionally, the annual holiday food basket sign-ups were held in October; which translated into 300 more cold lunches served that month and was another unexpected hit on the food pantry.

“It was a busy month and it taxed us more than we had planned on,” said Capt. Chuck Cook.


“I’m not an economist but I think some things have hit this area pretty hard. I wish I could give you a definite answer, but the numbers always fluctuate. It has been a little tough, but the bigger the trial, the bigger the challenge, the bigger the blessing. I know Carthage has a blessing coming – I just don’t know when.”

The kettle drive will kick off the day after Thanksgiving with about 5,000 volunteer hours to fill.

“The people of Carthage have always been generous, and we’ll continue to do what we do with what we get,” said Capt. Chuck Cook. “I want people to know whatever they give will be used, given a home and appreciated as a blessing. We help a lot of people, and we’re expecting to help close to 500 families this holiday season. God’s got it worked out – I know He does.”

How to Help

• Volunteer to ring the bell

• Volunteer for food/toy distribution

• Donate funds

• Donate food

• Donate new toys

Need Diapers?

The Carthage Salvation Army is distributing diapers to those in need through the Diaper Bank of the Ozarks – based in Springfield, Missouri. In October the Carthage Community Foundation awarded the organization a $500 grant to make the Carthage non-profit one of its distributing locations. Those in need of diapers may take two 12-pack packages a month (per family) after filling out a form. To learn more about the organization, please visit

Important Dates

Nov. 15: from 10 a.m.-noon is the Thanksgiving food distribution

Dec. 18: from 10 a.m.-noon is the food-only Christmas distribution

Dec. 19: from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. is the Christmas toy shopping experience for parents in need

Operation Hours

The Salvation Army, 125 E. Fairview Ave., food pantry is open 10 a.m.-1:45 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Regular office hours are 10 a.m.-2 p.m., and a cold lunch is served 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information please call 358-2262.
